The Templates set out below are only in draft and may be subject to change.
If you wish to comment on the Templates, please submit them to Rowland Davies [email protected]. He is particularly interested in the clarity, readability and usability of the Templates.
If you have any difficulty in downloading the Templates, please contact the Web Manager - John Broughall. The Templates have been prepared as WORD documents on a Windows system. If you are a non-Windows user, the Web Manager would welcome your comments and feedback.
The Templates have not been specifically designed for smartphones or tablets.
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If you wish to comment on the Templates, please submit them to Rowland Davies [email protected]. He is particularly interested in the clarity, readability and usability of the Templates.
If you have any difficulty in downloading the Templates, please contact the Web Manager - John Broughall. The Templates have been prepared as WORD documents on a Windows system. If you are a non-Windows user, the Web Manager would welcome your comments and feedback.
The Templates have not been specifically designed for smartphones or tablets.
Continuation Sheet
Comp Slip
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